Sunday 19 December 2010

An update due

So...You may have noticed that my blog and twitter backgrounds have changed. Well, you probably didn't because my blog and twitter tend to be rather boring. But anyway...I am in the process of redesigning my website to somewhat match, and will hopefully be able to get it done by February, Lord willing!

The new design should have a few much needed updates and remakes, including more galleries/portfolio to view as it is painfully unpopulated at the moment, and I have so much to add! One main issue will be load time, with preloaders and such in effect that will be a thing of the past I am hoping!

I would love to keep it iPhone/iPad friendly, but Flash tends to play well with large galleries, so that may be the route I have to take. If anyone has some suggestions as to HTML 5 or the like for galleries with fade-in/cross fade abilities, let me know. *wink wink*

Anyway, I'm excited to bring a new design out and hope it will be slick and clean and beautiful! We'll see how it comes along!

Friday 3 December 2010

Break in the weather

I'm excited to be shooting a wedding today in the lovely snow with a perfect, clear, sunny and freezing day! Going to try to continually introduce some media onto my blog so it's not just all text...and boring. :) Be back soon!